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2 pages/≈550 words
Biological & Biomedical Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Coursework Instructions:

1. List two disadvantages of NFF over TFF.
2. What it the purpose of Ultrafiltration in industry? Why is it carried out?
3. Why is the NWP calculated? When is it calculated?
4. What is diafiltration? Why is it carried out in industry?
5. What measurement is used to indicate that diafiltration is complete?
6. What is the purpose of a Filter Integrity Test in a UFDF operation? What type of integrity test is carried out on UFDF filter?
Chromatography Questions
7. Why is column efficiency testing performed?
8. Why is column packing regarded as a critical operation in downstream processing?
9. What functions do both 254 nm & 280 nm UV modules on the chromatography skid serve?
10. Why is tailing/fronting behaviour in process chromatograms undesired and give potential sources for both.
11. List and describe the main components of a chromatography system.
12. Why is downstream processing often regarded as a challenging part of a bioprocessing operation?
Harvest Questions
13. What is the difference between an intracellular and extracellular protein?
14. Outline two methods that can be used to harvest intracellular proteins.
15. Is harvesting a sterile operation? Give a reason for your answer.
16. Outline the process of microfiltration as it is used in harvesting.
17. Why is depth filtration used in harvesting?
Gowning Questions
18. Describe how people can contribute to the increase in contamination in a cleanroom.
19. How do we control the introduction and generation of particles in a cleanroom?
20. Why is cleanroom garb manufactured from lint free material?
21. Describe poor practices for gowning in industry.
Viral Clearance Questions
22. What is a gold particle test, and why is it used for viral filters in industry?
23. Outline three consequences of viral contaminations in industry?
24. Outline two methods of viral clearance used in industry.
25. Outline two potential sources of viral contaminations in industry

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1 List two disadvantages of NFF over TFF. NFF allows filter cake to collect on the filter's surface, potentially fouling the membrane (“Ultrafiltration/Diafiltration” 2022). NFF is slower , less easier to use, less efficient than TFF (“Ultrafiltration/Diafiltration” 2022).2. What it the purpose of Ultrafiltration in industry? Why is it carried out? to remove particulates and macromolecules from bulk solution using retention mechanism(“Ultrafiltration/Diafiltration” 2022. It is carried out in order to concentrate products (“Ultrafiltration/Diafiltration” 2022).
3. Why is the NWP calculated? When is it calculated? NWP is calculated to determine cleaning water efficiency; it is calculated when determining the membrane recovery (Samavedam et al. 2007). 4. What is diafiltration? it is a dilution process that uses micro-molecule permeable filters to remove or separate constituents of a solution depending on the molecular size in order to obtain pure solution (“Ultrafiltration/Diafiltration” 2022). Why is it carried out in industry? It has minimal risk for sample loss or contamination (“Ultrafiltration/Diafiltration” 2022).5. What measurement is used to indicate that diafiltration is complete? transmembrane Pressure (“Ultrafiltration/Diafiltration” 2022)6. What is the purpose of a Filter Integrity Test in a UFDF operation? To ensure that the sterilizing filter is properly installed and to comply with the regulatory requirements (Samavedam et al. 2007). What type of integrity test is carried out on UFDF filter? structural integrity of a sterilizing filter (Samavedam et al. 2007).Chromatography Questions7. Why is column efficiency testing performed? Column efficiency testing is critical in qualifying and monitoring packed bed performance (Smith 2013). Although it cannot be used to detect purity and recovery as a single parameter, it is a faster way to check the column and equipment efficiency before beginning the purification process (Smith 2013).8. Why is column packing regarded as a critical operation in downstream processing? to ensure the bed is packed to an optimal compression “Chromatography” 2022).9. What functions do both 254 nm & 280 nm UV modules on the chromatography skid serve? It is used to measure the absorbance of light by flowing liquid streams (“Chromatography” 2022).10. Why is tailing/fronting behaviour in process chromatograms undesired and give potential sources for both.it is undesired because it causes overload (“Chromatography” 2022). Overloading the column or a column setup error, such as fittings swaged to a port depth different than the column in use, are the most common causes of peak fronting (“Chromatography” 2022).11. List and describe the main components of a chromatography system. The stationery phase and the mobile phase (“Chromatography” 2022). The stationary phase remains fixed in place, whereas the mobile phase transports the components of the mixture through the medium being used (“Chromatography” 2022).
12. Why is downstream processing often regarded as a challenging part of abioprocessing operation? Peaks fronting occurs when the sample capacity of the analytical column is exceeded, which can happen in both GC and HPLC experiments (Smith 2013). This overflow impact is caused by poor specimen solubility in the stationary phase, excessive sample injection, or able to operate at an inadequate capacity factor (Smith 2013).
2 Harvest Questions13. What is the difference between an ...
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