Restitution and Virtue Ethics Social Sciences Coursework
Restitution and Virtue Ethics
The objective of this assignment is to evaluate your ability to apply the Aristotelian theory of virtue ethics to evaluate different theories of punishment. Please read carefully the instructions before answering the question.
1. Cite your references. DON'T PLAGIARIZE. 2. You have to type in the assignment directly on Blackboard. 3. ATTACHED FILES WILL NOT BE GRADED. 3. The assignment must be submitted before November 6 at 11:59 p.m. 4. Any kind of plagiarism will be punished according to the Disciplinary Code of South Texas College and the Syllabus. 5. If you have doubts, please contact me during my office hours. 6. You are only allowed to submit one attempt. 7. In case of doubts, review the following video to learn how to type in your assignments. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=nCwOciSEbWA 8. There is not a word limit for the assignment; however, assignments are usually answered using between 200-500 words per question
1.Mark Dimmock and Andrew Fisher, Ethics for A-Level. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2017, chapter 4.1-4.7, pp. 49-58
2.United Nations, Office on Drugs and Crime, Handbook on Restorative Justice Programmes, New York, 2006, pp. 5-11
3.EdPuzzle: Aristotle and Virtue Ethics, (https://youtu(dot)be/PrvtOWEXDIQ) Due on November 6, Friday
4.Ed Puzzle: This Country has the most Humane Prison System, (https://youtu(dot)be/_B0Bt16BflY) Due on November 6, Friday
1. List at least two features of restorative justice programmes that are applied in the Norwegian Criminal System.
2. Use your own example (you cannot use an example from the EdPuzzle Video) to explain the Aristotelian concept of virtue.
Restitution and Virtue Ethics
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Restitution and Virtue Ethics
Norway is one of the rare countries with a unique criminal justice system. The country is known for its progressive criminal justice compared to countries like the U.S. and western Europe. Norwegian system is known as restorative justice system. Here, are two of the features of this system.
* Rehabilitation. The Norwegian justice system focuses on rehabilitation over punishment. The goal is to help inmates grow and change by giving them the opportunity to remain separate from the environmental factors that contributed to crime (NowThisWorld, 2017). Norway prisons are designed in a way that rehabilitation will prepare the inmates to rejoin society. The prison facilities to ensure that inmates remain in an environment similar to everyday life and with limited restrictions apart from the obvious loss of freedom. For example, in Norway’s Bastoy Prison, there are no bars on the windows, kitchens are well-stocked including sharp knives, and security guards and inmates have close friendships (NowThisWorld, 2017). In the rehabilitative form of justice, the system hopes to repair the damage caused by the crime instead of punishing the person responsible for the crime. For example, the system puts measures in the society to ensure things such as lack of housing or security can be eliminated to prevent crimes.
* Reintegration: The restorative system in Norway also strives to ensure that individuals can smoothly and effortlessly reintegrate into the society. After the prison sente...